ESP32 tasmota OpenTherm Thermostat

ESP32 tasmota OpenTherm Thermostat

Today we will build a simple OpenTherm Wi-Fi thermostat using ESP8266 Thermostat Shield and Tasmota automation system

ESP32 Wi-Fi OpenTherm Thermostat

ESP32 Wi-Fi OpenTherm Thermostat

This article describes how to build simple OpenTherm Wi-Fi thermostat using ESP32 WebServer and ESP8266/ESP32 Thermostat Shield. So you can replace traditional room thermostat and control and monitor your boiler remotely via Wi-Fi using web browser on smartphone or personal computer.

Domoticz OpenTherm Thermostat

Domoticz OpenTherm Thermostat

This article describes how to build a simple OpenTherm Wi-Fi thermostat using ESP8266 Thermostat Shield. So you can integrate your heating control into your Domoticz home automation system.

Home Assistant OpenTherm Thermostat

Home Assistant OpenTherm Thermostat

This article describes how to build and automate a simple OpenTherm Wi-Fi thermostat using ESP8266 Thermostat Shield. So you can integrate your boiler control into your home automation system.

Blynk OpenTherm Thermostat

Blynk OpenTherm Thermostat

This article describes how to build simple OpenTherm cloud based Wi-Fi thermostat using Blynk platform and ESP8266 Thermostat Shield. So you can replace traditional room thermostat and control your boiler remotely using mobile application.